Thursday, 1 September 2011

Green Algae

Green algae has a noticeable pigmentation that is due to green chlorophyll, which captures light energy for food making process.

They have similar life-cycles, pigments, stored food supplies like land plants. There are three main steps for the re-production of algae:
  • Uni-cellular
  • Colonies
  • Multi-cellar*
*This is the final and the most important stage; this is where you will be able to extract oil.

Green algae has been the main subject for many commercial companies. These companies use algae for many purposes, such as: Health care (medicine) and some others are developing ways to extract efficiently oil from it.

Algae bio-fuel is one of the solutions to the current energy & oil crisis. This is because algae is the most common plant on planet earth and is simple to use (their structure is simpler to extract oil from than from other plants).

It has been found that by feeding the algae more Co2, it grows more. This is because algae uses photosynthesis to transform Co2 and sunlight into energy. This would help to produce more oil, because it could re-generate 15x more than normal oil sources such as corn & switch-grass. This also means that the energy absorbed by the algae is used more efficiently, that's probably why it's weight can increase in a given time very quickly.

The advantages of using algae as an energy source are:
  • It can grow in any surrounding from fresh water to contaminated water.
  • By absorbing Carbon dioxide it could reduce greenhouse gases
Many other plants cannot do that. So these are big points to take in consideration.

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